Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Tasty Brew Indeed

I’m pretty sure that Henry Weinhard makes the best Rootbeer available. I have tried many varieties…IBC, A&W, Virgil’s, Barq’s, Stewarts, Shasta, Mug, generics of all kinds, and none of them can do it like a cold Weinhard’s can do it. I’ll pay the premium price because I know the difference. I challenge anyone to find a tastier Rootbeer. You give me the recommendation and I’ll give it a shot. No bias. Deal?

Oh and this guy agrees with me. I did a random Google search and found this at the top of the list. I don’t know who he is but the fact that he obviously has no life gives my independently made statement mucho credibility.


Kara said...

Awesome. I just bought a sixer of that last week as well, mmmm, creamy, rich, goodness. I have to add that they must be cold though. Warm just isn't the same.

tmildenhall said...

I agree as well, had one the other night. Are they good with rootbeer floats? I have the best way to make rootbeer floats super good, use a melon baller to scoop tiny 'C' shaped ice cream pieces. Oh have you ever had 1919 rootbeer? I have actually had it on tap at a bar, can't remember how good it was though.

kell-bell said...

That rootbeer is delicious, but it has alot of head, you have to drink it very slowly to keep it from foaming over the top!

Abby said...

I love rootbeer with the best of 'em, but I have to be honest that if given the choice between Henry's root beer or Henry's orange cream, I would go orange--LOVE the orange. Now, if you were comparing orange sodas here, I would have more to say (Stewarts rocks), but I'll zip it.